Tuesday, May 24, 2011

8 More Days!

Ok first things first, while making this blog google asked me to type the word "feces" into the word verifier.  Also, I just ate half a container of Golden Double Stuff Oeros.

So, 8 more days and then I get to go home to visit my family!  I am so excited because I probably won't be visiting home much when I graduate.  I'll be home for about 2 weeks and then.....I'm going to Mexico!  I'm hoping that instead of getting raped and murdered, I'll be able to have a great few weeks getting to know Emerson's family and attempting to communicate with them.  I've already made my list of things to come back with and do there (and I will keep adding to it I'm sure).

1. A Mexican poncho (A cute one...of course)
2. A Mexican blanket
3. An unhealthy amount of tacos and Mexican food
4. A Mexican husband (jk...but seriously hurry up Em)
5. Mexican sandals
6. Dia de Muertos dolls. These might be hard because its not even close, but I love them!

So, after spending almost 4 weeks in Mexico, I'll be going back home!  Well kind of.  Ill only be home for like 3 days and then I get to go on one big last road trip with my mama and sister.  We're going to Utah (Not the greatest destination) while my sister goes to soccer camp, and then we get to spend the weekend in San Diego.  Im going to beg my mom to take me to the zoo.

Needless to say it is going to be a super fun summer!  Just have to get through 1 more week of classes.