Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Reason to Blog

So, I'm terrible at blogging.  Mainly because I don't have any recipes to post or DIY crafts to share.  But I am student teaching now, so I figured I would post about some of the lessons I have been teaching with my Kindergarten class.  Student teaching has been a difficult challenge and has forced me to be as creative and patient as humanly possible.  The first things I was asked to do was cover and decorate some of the bulletin boards in our room.

This one was my favorite!  
It says "CHICKA CHICKA BOOM BOOM, welcome to our room!"  
The kids love this one as well.

This one is not my favorite and I still need to jazz it up.
But it's our "WOW Wall!"
Each student has a page protector with a gecko that has their special number on it.