Friday, November 18, 2011

It's been awhile! But, I'm back and ready to blog about the tons of things we've been doing in our class.

I've come to realize that I incorporate a lot of art into my class.  I think it's such a good way for kids to gain confidence and challenge their imaginations.  I literally try to tie art into every subject.  Maybe I just should have become an art teacher...oh well!

I read the kids a story called, "It Looked Like Spilt Milk."  It's a cool short story about these clouds that look like different objects.  In the morning I had the kids smoosh blobs of orange paint and we waited for it to dry until the end of the day.  I encouraged the students to use their imagination when they looked at their blobs and figure out what they looked like.  We used a black marker and added details to complete our pictures.  Most of them turned out really cool!