Thursday, September 22, 2011

Team Building Activity

So, I was asked to give a Tribes lesson that promoted teamwork to my Kindergarten class.  A lot of the lessons I was finding were geared more towards higher grades so I decided to come up with one on my own.  Since we had been doing puzzles a lot during free time in class, I chose to focus my lesson around a puzzle theme.  I called my lesson "I am a Piece of our Class Puzzle."  I made a large class puzzle and gave each student 1 piece.  I hid 1 of the pieces before the students arrived that morning.  We constructed the puzzle as a class, and at the end the students realized that a piece was missing!  I had the class search for the piece and explained that this missing piece is like someone in our class who is feeling sad and lonely.  We need to find the piece just like we need to befriend all the friends in our class!

Once students constructed the puzzle, I gave each student a piece of an even larger puzzle.  They got to decorate their puzzle piece so that it reflected who they were.  We put all the pieces together and the puzzle is displayed in our class!

1 comment:

  1. I love this activity!!! Where did you find the template for the puzzle pieces?
